But they that wait upon
the LORD shall renew
their strength; they
shall mount up with
wings as eagles; they
shall run, and not be
weary; and they shall
walk, and not
faint.Isaiah 40:31…
We serve a God of
increase. He wants you
to continually rise up
higher in Him. He wants
you to know Him more
so He can reveal His
glory through you. He
wants you to be
blessed so that you can
be a blessing to others.
He wants to take you
to the next level in
every area of your life!
The “next level” looks
different for each of us.
For you, it may be
seeing your family
restored. It may be
healing in your body. It
may be a promotion at
work or new
friendships that you’ve
desired. No matter
what it is, know that
God has your best in His
heart. He desires to do
exceedingly, abundantly
above and beyond what
you could ask, think or
imagine. He loves to do
above and beyond and
show Himself strong on
your behalf…

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