Subtitle:        The Great Deliverer


Text:              2kgs. 13:10-19



As we continue in this series of Charismatic teachings, it is pertinent to remind all of the sense behind the topic: that the prophet acknowledged the God of his master and trusted Him for His faithfulness. So, those things that he witnessed, or knew that He did during his master’s ministry he (Elisha) trusted Him for same (cons. Mal.3:6).


Our message shall be delivered under 2 subheadings: (A) The Analysis Of The Passage (B) The Application To Our Condition.




Analysis means ‘To study something in detail by breaking it down into various parts’. An examination of our passage will reveal the following:


  1. i. The Offence of the king (2Kgs.13:10-13): It is his involvement in idolatry, the first sin that God warned against which usually draws down God’s wrath (Ex.20:2-5,1Cor.10:4-7,14 cp. Eph.5:5, Col.3:5). This should have made him repulsive to God.


  1. The occasion of the event (2Kgs.13:14-15): The king visited the prophet at a time of the prophet’s need (2kgs.4:42-44). There is a place for identifying with God’s people at times of need (Gal.6:9-10, Prov.19:17). And when one identifies with God’s servant, the person gets connected to God’s power (as symbolized by the prophets instructions that followed (v15))and also enjoys the benefits of the minister’s anointing( cons.1Sam.22:20-23; 2Kgs.6:12-16)


iii.       The order to the king (2Kgs.13:16-17): The prophet (God’s servant) placed his hand upon the king’s (symbolizing God’s backing of the king) and ordered him to shoot in the direction of his enemies; then followed the prophecy/declaration of Divine victory. Therefore, when a servant of God is behind one, God’s backing follows that person (cons. Judg.4:4-8, 1Sam.22:23), rare opportunities do come to people that identifies with the cause of God’s servants.(Rom.11:33; Ps.35:27; 1Kgs.17:8-16)


  1. The objection of the Prophet (2Kgs.13:18-19): The king’s striking of the ground only 3 times was reproved by the prophet; he should have done it up to 5 to 6 times to ensure lasting victory. The king’s misuse of such a rare opportunity was because he didn’t seek guidance from the prophet of God (cp. 2Chro.35:20-25, 36:11-17 cons. Prov.24:6).


(B)       APPLICATION (Rom.15:4)


As you seek to please God by trusting in Him, identifying with the cause of His servants (our pastors), going for counselling when opportunities strike and not walking in the arms of the flesh, the Great Deliverer will ensure your deliverance and victory in all circumstances (Ps.65:4-7, Deut.33:27).


What aileth you? God’s servant is behind you! Rise up and let’s pray.


HSCF 248

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