Text: 65:17-25
In this period of repositioning of the Watchmen who are called to be wonders, we have been exploring the message entitled God of wonders’, so as to appreciate His capability and adapt to His programme without making any room for doubt or unbelief (cons. Heb.4:2, Jas.1:5-8).
Our text relay the events of the Millennium during which the Lord Jesus would visit His people and dwell with them.
It is an era in which God’s will shall be done on earth, and so reveals the mind of God for His covenant people. Every genuine child of God of today, should see such would be happenings as God’s will for him; and so ask in faith (Matt.7:7). We shall consider (A) The Analysis (B) The Application.
Creation of a new heavens and a new earth (v.17)
Bringing of joy to erstwhile sorrowing damaged Jerusalem (v.18-19)
Longevity for the saints (v.20)
Prosperity (v.21-23)
Keen expression of Divine interest (v.24)
Serenity of land (v.25)
It takes only the Almighty power of God to change the heavens (consisting of the sky and outer space) and the earth whose circumference at the equator is about 40,000km. Now, if God can change these massive objects of creation for the better, what circumstance of an earth dweller can He not change? (Cons. Matt.19:26)
The bringing of joy to the erstwhile devastated Jerusalem relays God’s desire to bring joy to His people notwithstanding their history of unfaithfulness (cons. Isa.65:18-19, 49:15, Jer.29:11, Zeph.3:14-20, Rom.8:28)
The described longevity of the people of the era in indicative of God’s will for His people to live long and be in health (Isa.65:20, Gen.25:8, Job 5:17,25 cp. Ps.90:10, 91:1,3-7,9-12,16, Jn.10:10, 3Jn.2)
The abounding prosperity of the millennial reign of Christ expresses the perfect will of God for His people (those that have allowed Christ to reign in their lives) to abound in material resources and not to suffer unnecessary losses (Isa.65:21-23 cp. Gen.1:28-29, 2:15-16, 22:15-18, 24:35, Ex.23:25-31, Deut.28:2-13)
The keen expression of Divine interest in that period of Christ’s second advent is indicative of God’s willingness to promptly attend to the needs of those that are covenanted with Him (Isa.65:24 cp. Isa.66:7-8, Lk.12:32, Jn.14:12-14, 16:23,24).
The serenity of the then world declares the Lord’s interest in having a non violent, peaceful cohabitation of people (Isa.65:25 cp. Gen.4:6-13, 6:11,12, Ps.11:5, Jonah 3:8, Mic.2:1-2, 6:10-15).
The knowledge and application of God’s will (word) in one’s life will bring about a glowing life of fulfilment (cons. 1Jn.5:15).
Who then is there seeking the operation of the God of wonders, let him/her rise up in faith and call upon His name based on His revealed mind.
HSCF 251