For many youths who have embraced the Saviour Jesus Christ through teachings, testimonies, prayer sessions are already walking in the steps of the Master and experiencing glorious transformations. We want to look in depth into an interesting topic The Lamb And The Lion. We want to see from the perspective of a lamb and a lion (qualities that can be viewed as contradictory). Every Christian youth must possess and exhibit these qualities to maintain an acceptable Christian life and succeed as sheep in the midst of ravening wolves in a wicked and viper-filled generation.
Briefly, let’s see the following: (1) Jesus the Lamb (2) Jesus the Lion (3) The Christian Youth as a lamb (4) The Christian Youth as a Lion and (5) Christian Youth, Rouse yourself for the hour’s need.
Jesus, The Lamb
A lamb, in the physical, is the young of a sheep (Ex.12:3,5). It is innocent, harmless, dependent on its leader. The lamb is used to describe one who is meek, lowly, quiet, harmless, leadable and affectionate (Is. 53:7; Acts 8:32-33). John, the Baptist introduced Him as the lamb of God (Jn.1:29). He is our Passover Lamb, like the passover lamb offered in Egypt on the eve of their departure (1Cor.5:7) for the remission of the sins of the whole world (Matt.26:28; Gal.1:3,4).
Jesus, like the lamb, manifested calmness, quietness, harmlessness all through His earthly business even through to death. His sinless and pure life proved His being the qualified choice (Acts 8:32,33; Heb.7:26; Isa.53:7; 1Pt.2:22,23). Like a lamb, He did not avenge Himself but depended on the Father (1Pt.2:23). He did not find it hard to say “the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me” (Jn.4:30; cons. Heb.4:15). He is the Lamb of God indeed.
Jesus, The Lion
A lion is a fierce and violent carnivorous animal (1Sam.17:34; 1Kgs.13:24). Lion represents strength, royalty, authority, fearlessness and majesty (Gen.49:9,10). Jesus, though a lamb, yet a lion. He is the lion of the tribe of Judah, who alone was found worthy to open the book and to loose the seals on it (Rev.5:1-5). No one in heaven, on earth nor under the earth was qualified to take the scroll and open it. It is only one who has prevailed, conquered all (on earth, in heaven and under the earth) that was found capable to loose the seal and reveal the content/programme of the future. Jesus is that strong and matchless deliverer of the tribe of Judah, the mighty arm of God who alone could bring salvation unto man (Isa. 59:16). The only sinless and innocent man who alone could go through the excruciating pains of calvary to pay the price of man’s redemption and obtain victory over the power of sin and death (Gal. 1:3,4; 1Jn. 2:1,2; Matt. 28:18; Acts 4:12; 1Cor. 15:54-57). He prevailed over His enemies and spoiled their works and influences (Col.2:14,15).
As a lion, He has royalty associated to him. Jesus, a Lamb yet a lion (tending his flock and bearing rule over enemies Isa.40:10,11). The meek and calm Jesus was spat on, deprived of His rights and privileges, taken through the agony of the cross without opening his mouth. He knew when to be docile, mute and harmless like a lamb. Jesus, the lion; brave, fearless and uncompromising. He knew when and how to roar at and devour His enemies (Matt.23:13-17; Lk.13:32-33; Jn.2:13-17). In His first coming, He came for peace and rode on a colt. When He will come again, He will ride on a white horse and rule with a rod of iron (Rev.19:11,15; Matt.21:4-7). Jesus is the lion-like lamb and the lamb-like lion. It is a paradox that must be appreciated (cons. Rev.5:5,9; 6:16).