It has been observed that in the church today, the affection of many brethren for the Lord, the things of God and for the brethren has badly waned or dissipated. For some it is the myriad of the adverse situations of our day that has entered their hearts and caused this (cp. Matthew 24:12; 2Timothy 3:1(a)). For others it is the eating and drinking, and the pursuit of the other mundane things that has led to their predicament (cp. Matthew 24:37-39; Deuteronomy 32:13-15).
The evidence of this situation is so glaring. They miss fellowships, leaders’ and workers’ meetings, follow-up work, retreats, and will engage in things that serve not the interest of others in the church.
All these they do for no genuine reasons other than having grown cold with secular activities (Deuteronomy 32:13-15). They constitute a discouragement to their pastors and the other brethren. Unto such we can hear heaven exclaiming, “How are the mighty fallen” (2Samuel 1:17, 19, 20, 25).
But the dry bones can rise again before it’s late. All they need do is to recognize with godly sorrow that they have fallen (Revelation 2:5; Luke 15:17a); give into the voice of God’s Word (1Kings. 19a; Ezekiel 37:4-6; Revelation 2:5), shake off their fatness, indolence, lack of interest, etc (if need be violently) to save themselves from this untoward situation (cp. Acts 2:40).