Centuries ago, a song-writer, William D. Longstaff, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit penned down the song/hymn titled, “Take Time To Be Holy”, detailing a number of actions involved in living holily. We know that there is no believer who will live holily, who does not take time to do so, even if the one has been sanctified and baptized with the Holy Spirit. It is hereby recommended that all watchmen sing this song daily, pondering the message in each line of the song.
Today, it has been observed that many in the Movement are far away from living holily, because they will not take time to do so. This is yet another form of dross that has hindered the people’s progress or favour from the Lord.
How can they live holily, who do not take time to be influenced by the countenance of the Lord through tarrying in His presence and beholding regularly the mirror of His word? (cp. 2 Corinthians 3:18; John 17:17,19).
How can they be holy, who will not take time to review their actions, inactions, reactions, words, thoughts, behaviour, at the end of every incident? (cp Lam. 3:40; Matt. 7:5; 1 Cor. 11:28; 2 Cor. 13:5 ). How can they live holily, who will not take time to avoid bad companies? (cp. 1 Corinthians 15:33; Exodus 34:12; Psalm 1:1; 1 Corinthians 5:11; 2 Corinthians 6:14).
How can they be holy, who will not take time to remember that they are Christians in every given situation—during business transactions; in the course of their work for their employers; in the course of their relationship with their employees; while they are relating with their wives, husbands, children, parents, relations, friends, neighbours and colleagues, so as to guard against sin?
How can they live holily, who will not take their time to pull their eyes away from seductive sights? (cp Job 31:1 ). How can they be holy, who are ashamed of Jesus and will not testify to their sinner-relatives, friends or neighbours that they are now Christ’s? ( Luke 9:26; Romans 1:16 ).
How will they be holy, who will not take time to repent and confess obvious sins and reconcile with wives, husbands, children, parents, masters, servants, relations, neighbours or colleagues, whom they have offended? (cp 1 John 1:9 cp. Acts 23:1-5). How can they live holily, who do not take time to be challenged by the lives of Godly men and women around them? ( Phil. 4:9; Jn. 13:12-17 ).
How can they be holy, who do not care about what people say about them among believers and among those outside the kingdom? (cp 1 Tim. 3:7; 3 Jn. 12 ). How can they be holy who do not take time to ensure that they do not love money? (cp 1 Tim. 6:10-11 ).
How can they be holy, who do not bother about exaggerations, small lies and much talking? ( Prov. 10:19). How can they live holily, who will not take time to carry out the outstanding restitutions, including marriage restitutions, though they know that they themselves or their partners have been married before? (cp Gen. 20:6-7; Matt. 19:1-9 ). How can they be holy, who will not take time to seek counsel on these matters, though they are aware that “where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors, there is safety? (Proverb 11:14; 24:6).
How can they be holy, who now take great delight in decorating their homes with television sets and home video equipment from which they daily decorate their own hearts and those of their children, servants and relatives with all the polluting and hellish programmes and films of this sin-filled world?
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Hello Pls explain that love of money