Paul, a highly educated Roman-Jew, through his sharing spirit, broke cultural, social, and racial barriers in order to preach the gospel to both Jews and Gentiles (Rom. 1:14-15).  He shared with the civilized and the uncivilized, the educated and uneducated, and with the rich and the poor, for salvation is for all that believe the gospel (Rom. 1:16; 1 Cor. 9:16 – 23). He fully preached the gospel from Jerusalem to Illyricum before desiring to go to Rome (Rom.15:19, 23).



He that has a sharing spirit will always want to tell others he comes in contact within the bus, in the aircraft, or at school about Jesus. He will like to share with brethren what he has newly learned from the Bible, or spiritual gift received.



The reason Apostle Paul had a strong desire to visit Rome was not that the people had not become born-again. He wanted to go and share it with them.  As an Apostle, he will impart some spiritual gifts to them, and as devoted Christians, they could offer him fellowship and comfort.  Possibly, some of them might have some spiritual gifts that Paul will enjoy  (1 Cor. 12:7; Rom. 12:6). He was never selfish with what he had, nor considered himself to have no need for what these young people in the faith had.



Whatever spiritual gift you have is not for your personal benefit only. It is for the edification of the church and her members.  It is for the building up (establishment) of the church and not for scattering.



Do you have the gift of wisdom and understanding? Do not despise others.  Let your wisdom and understanding benefit them through love (Jam. 3:13-18).



Do you receive revelations of those who have sinned? Be careful with it lest you destroy the people with it through spreading the news instead of recovering them (cons. Lk. 22:31-32; Prov. 11:30; Jam. 5:19-20; Jn. 21:1-17).



If we maintain thankful, prayerful, and sharing spirit, our word will be gracious. The resultant effect will be having little or no problem within the local church and with other Christians.  Our witnessing of Christ will be very fruitful, individuals will grow rapidly, brethren that have erred (including members of other Christian groups) will be easily recovered, thereby facilitating the fulfillment of our mission statement of Isaiah 49:5,6.



In our expansion of the church, we should know that the salvation of the uneducated older adult, the poor in the society, the children and youths in the villages are as important as the salvation of the rich and educated men and women in the urban cities and overseas countries; and this is our responsibility.



Is God’s calling today only for overseas missionary works? Apostle Paul desired to go to areas that had not been covered. Have we covered Nigeria and Africa?




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