Subtitle: The Exterminator Of The Evil
Text: 1:1-15
We have so far seen the God of Elijah as The Barrier Breaker, The Restorer of Life, The Great Provider, The Great Deliverer, The God Without Limitation, The Healer of Israel, The Prayer Answering God of Revelation, He is the God Without an Equal and drawn our lessons accordingly.
Today, we shall see Him as the One that exterminates the wicked. We shall look at two points (A) The Details and (B) The Divine Expectation.
To exterminate means ‘To destroy, to wipe out, get rid of completely.
Ahaziah was an evil king of Israel (God’s people) who went to seek another god and God sent His prophet to speak and get rid of him (2Kgs.1:3-6), so also did the prophet get rid of the agents of the evil king (2Kgs.1:9-12)
While the sovereign God owns the world (Ps.24:1, 135:6, Dan.4:25), He has however given it to the children of men to over see (Gen.1:26-28, Ps.115:16). When the wicked or evil are thriving, then the world will be generally evil and the righteous suffer (cons. Prov.28:12,28; 29:2,10,27).
God’s nature abhors evil, hence the destructor of the ante-deluvian world, and the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah respectively (cons. Gen.6:5-7, 19:1-8,12-15). In the course of executing judgement, the Lord does use (the) evil to judge (the) evil (Hbk.1:1-4, 7-13, Mic.2:3) but would not excuse evil (cons. Hos.1:4 cp. 2Chro.22:7-9).
Today, evil is thriving, and the righteous are suffering (Ps.11:3) and the Almighty is expecting His people unto whom He had committed overseership, to do something that would arouse Him to act (Hos. 4:6)
The Lord expects His people to take up positions as custodians of this earth and call upon Him for intervention against the operations of the wicked (cons. 2Chro.7:14a, Isa.59:16). The child of God must not be blind to the evil of the society (cons. Amos 6:1).
Is anybody deaf to the recurrent news on Armed Robbery, Kidnapping, Ritual Murders, Assassinations, Squandering of Public Funds, Emergence of evil men seeking political posts etc.?
Watchmen must rise up now and begin to regularly call upon God to exterminate the evil, else we suffer the consequences and the Lord will judge us with them for our sin of omission (cons. Isa.62:6-7).
Consider these scriptures as we pray: Ps.89:14, Jer.9:23,24: Prov.24:24, 26:27, Ex.21:16, Deut.24:7; Ps.11:6, 37:12-15,17-20, 58:6-9,11, 74:20-23, Prov.6:12-15, 10:25,27-29, 11:5,7-8,19,21,27, 13:9, Mic.2:1-2.
HSCF 237