Subtitle:        The Healer Of Israel

Text:              2kgs. 5:1-15


INTRODUCTION: Our text pertains to a great man with a severely humiliating reproach, who got into a blessing that he didn’t deserve (being not an Israelite, and trusting not in the word of God’s servant), because God would want to reveal Himself and His rules to generations unborn (2Kgs.5:8,15). We shall analyse our text and make our applications.



Analysis “is the process of studying a matter in detail by breaking it down into various parts”. We shall examine our passage under the following points:


  1. Naaman the general, though honourable and successful in career, had a reproach, a disease condition that he was completely helpless about (2Kgs.5:1): so exists people who appear successful in areas of life but helplessly in bondage in other aspects of life (cons. Eccl.10:7; 6:2).


  1. The information that led to the general’s spectacular experience was from a source that appeared irrelevant (2Kgs.5:2-4); so good and great things can come from an unexpected quarters (cons. Ps.118:22,23; Lk.20:17).


iii.       The king of Syria appreciated the services and usefulness of his general and so wouldn’t falter at any opportunity to bring joy to his cherished (2Kgs.5:5&6); much more would the King of kings ensure deliverance and joy to His beloved people (cons. Jer.29:11; Zech.2:8)


  1. Naaman, the gentile general knew the place of honouring and appreciating servants of God, and hence the presents he took to see Elijah (2Kgs.5:5b). People of God should much more know the place of their pastors and accord them due honour (cons. Matt.10:41).


  1. The effects of the disappointment of the army general that led to the manifestation of initial unbelief was turned around by the timely intervention of wise servants (2Kgs.5:9-14 cp. Matt.13:58; 17:20). God’s ways are not always in agreement with the thoughts/expectations of mortal men; so neighbours have the duty of helping loved ones at times of crises when they fail to understand God (cons. Prov.17:17; 18:24; 27:8,9).


  1. The Syrian general wasn’t covenanted with the God of Israel and definitely didn’t recognize or ascribed his success to Him, yet he got Divinely healed (2Kgs.5:14; Isa.55:8 & 9): so an unsaved person can get healed by the God of Israel (cons. Acts 28:7).


vii.       After the healing, the general returned to show appreciation to the prophet (2Kgs.5:15) the child of God is expected to cultivate the habit of appreciation and thanksgiving (cons. Ps.26:6-7; 50:14-15; Lk.17:18-19; Col.2:7; 4:2).




  1. Everybody having any need that demands divine intervention should see self as a Naaman that needs to be healed miraculously (Matt.11:28).
  2. The unsaved who has aligned with God by coming to God’s house as a needy shall enjoy the healing power of the Lord (cons. Isa.55:8-9 cp. Mk.8:36).

iii.        The child of God must learn to understand when opportunities come and take advantage of same (cons. Ps.8:2; Isa.55:8; Acts 23:12, 16-22).

  1. Every true child of God must cultivate the habit of appreciation of their pastors in season and out of season.
  2. The instructions of the servants of God when obeyed always yield tremendous blessings irrespective of how irrational they may appear (cons. Isa.44:24-26; 2Chro.20:20).


The God of Elijah is the God and Healer of Israel (Ex.15:26; Ps.103:3; Jer.8:22). He is very magnanimous and will attend to all those that come unto Him for help.


As many as have come to God’s house with expectation (as did Naaman) shall be touched by the mighty Hands of God.


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