Texts: Num. 23:1-20, 2Tim.3:9
Our topic today is one of great interest and significance. It is significant in the sense that it commands influence in the three worlds that affect us as human beings and as believers in particular. The three worlds are: The Spiritual World Of Darkness; The Spiritual World Of Light, and The Physical World of Man. Taking our text (Num. 23:1-20) as a reference point, we will take a survey of the topic considering its implication, influence in the worlds around us, and our confidence there upon.
What Has The Lord Spoken– The implication: (Num. 23:13-17). Our text is an outstanding case in the Bible where the king of Moab- Balak sent to hire a professional prophet – Balaam to curse Israel, a nation and a people specially chosen and called out by God. This prophet – Balaam did actually come, demanded for burnt offering of bullocks to perform the biddings of his hire. He found out that rather than curse Israel as Balak who hired him had wished or desired, he began to bless the so called enemy (Israel). This Balak could not comprehend. Why? how come? What does this mean? These questions would have run through the mind of Balak and in his confusion he desired neither blessing nor cursing for Israel (Num. 23:23-25). The next time Balaam made attempt to curse Israel, Balak then asked involuntarily. What – Has – The – Lord-Spoken? What is then the implication of this statement? The implication is multiple, as follows:
l It is not he who pays the prophet that determines the prophecy, even the prophet of doom cannot but speak what God allows. (Num. 23:26; 24:12-13).
l The ungodly though unwilling is forced to seek the Lord’s opinion, and abide thereby (Num. 23:17; 24:10-11).
l It becomes evident that;
* There cannot be any counsel against the Lord and His people (Prov. 21:30-31).
* No man saith it and it cometh to pass if God has not commanded it (Lam. 3:36-37).
* The pleasure of the Lord is what is allowed and must come to pass (Isa. 46:9-11).
It is evident that the world of darkness will abide by what the Lord has spoken. What has the Lord spoken about you; about your family, about your fellowship etc? Stand fast on that and it cannot be otherwise (cons. Ps.46:1-3)
Let us rise up to pray.