(1 Cor. 3:1-3; 2:14-15).

 Real believers or disciples of Christ are not meant to be ordinary men.  They ought to be spiritual men (1Cor. 3:1). 

Spiritual men are those who, not only have been born of the Spirit of God (cp. Jn. 1:10-13; 3:5-6), but have also become crucified to their own mind and will, the flesh and its passions and lusts, through constant entire consecration and heart out-cry (Rms. 6:1-6; Gal. 2:20; Phil. 1:21; Rev. 4:11).  Consequently, they possess the mind Christ (cp Phil. 2:5; 1Cor. 2:16); walk in the spirit and after the Spirit (cp. Gal. 5:16-17; Rms. 8:1-6); readily discern good and evil (cp Heb. 5:14), and judge all things right (cp 1Cor. 2:15).


Note that as true believers/disciples of Jesus Christ, we ought to be spiritual men and prophets (God’s messengers) in our day.  And to be wonders we are meant to be onwards, we must re-position ourselves into these calibre of men.


Those who would have it, should rise and go to the Lord now in hearty prayers.


Fellowship Song: (HSCF 204 & 207)

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