When we considered “Salvation”, it was explained as “the state of one’s sins being forgiven, and one justified and freed by God from the power of sin” (Lk. 7:48, 50; 1Cor. 1:18). We have also considered “New life in Christ”, explaining it as “having an entirely different, new and virtuous life, made possible by the Spirit of Christ which one receives when one is saved” (cons. Rom. 8:3-4).
In the topic, “New Life in Christ”, we saw that if one must be credited with having new life in Christ, one must have had the following:-
(i) transformation of character,
(ii) new thoughts;
(iii) new ambition/interest
(iv) new friendship and fellowship.
Then another foundation experiences that a genuine Christian must have is “Assurance of salvation”.
“Assurance of salvation” simply means, “being sure that one is a child of God, or that one’s name is written in the book of life” (Rom. 8:16 Lk. 10:20). It is that personal conviction of salvation distinct from that which the preacher, a Christian follow-up worker or other Christian told one.
The following Scriptures (and many others) testify to assurance of salvation:- John. 6:68-69; Rom. 8:16; 1Tim. 1:12-16; 2Pt. 1:16-21; Gal. 2:16-21.