BIBLE READING: Jn.14:1, Ps.33:10-11 The bane of many including believers in Christ is this tendency of forgetting easily the Lord’s great doings/deliverances in his life.
BIBLE READING: Jn.14:1, Ps.33:10-11 The bane of many including believers in Christ is this tendency of forgetting easily the Lord’s great doings/deliverances in his life.
BIBLE READING: Daniel 4:20-26 Ponder anew what the Almighty can do and then picture those men and women in our land that have made themselves
God called Himself I AM, an appellation describing His eternal power and unchangeable character. In a world where values, morals and laws change constantly, we
Today, we have come to a situation where only God can intervene because of the atrocities that are being perpetrated in the society: the killings,
The Watchman has received the mandate of bringing back Jacob to the Lord and being a means of light/salvation to the ends of the world
The knowledge of who God is will help us to successfully navigate the storms of this life, making us stand tall in the midst of
BIBLE READING Psalm 102:8-13 To everything there is time and season, while the earth remains, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter,
BIBLE READING: Hos.10:11-12; Isa.55:1-3 It is time to work on ourselves in order to be qualified for the master’s use. There is need to make
God’s attribute of justice will not allow the wicked and his evils to continue to thrive. We are going to prophesy against all the enemies
God Who has no rival will never agree to share His glory with any one, whether it be man or deity. The altar was designed
What God has purposed, He will accomplish without any obstruction / obstacle on His way. Let’s ponder anew what the Almighty God did of
The spirit of interdependency should play in our families and in the Church. There must be a balance in life between our actions and our
35, Tafawa Balewa Crescent, Surulere, Lagos State, Nigeria.
7AM - 8PM