THOU OUR FATHER1. Lord Thou art my light and mysalvation;Thou art my fortress, strong-hold,who then shall I fear?Praise HimThou our FatherCreator of all men and
THOU OUR FATHER1. Lord Thou art my light and mysalvation;Thou art my fortress, strong-hold,who then shall I fear?Praise HimThou our FatherCreator of all men and
PRAISE HIM! PRAISE HIM1. Praise Him! Praise Him!Jesus, our blessed Redeemer,Sing, O earth - His wonderful loveproclaim!Hail Him! Hail Him! Highestarchangels in glory,Strength and honour
WE PRAISE THEE, O GOD1. We praise Thee, O God,For the Son of Thy love,For Jesus who died,And is now gone above.Hallelujah! Thine the glory;Hallelujah!
GREAT IS OUR GOD1. Oh praise the Lord, the LordFor He is goodHis judgments just, His mercyDoth endureFrom Zion’s hill praise yeThe Lord of Heaven,Praise
TO GOD BE THE GLORY1. To God be the glory great thingsHe hath done!So loved He the world that He gaveus His son,Who yielded His
PRAISE TO THE LORD1. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, theKing of creation!O my soul, praise Him, for He is thyhealth and salvationAll ye who
 OH FOR A THOUSAND TONGUES1. Oh for a thousand tongues to singMy great Redeemer’s praiseThe glories of my God and King,The triumphs of His grace.2.
35, Tafawa Balewa Crescent, Surulere, Lagos State, Nigeria.
7AM - 8PM