In this era of multiplicity of Churches, the crafty could speak caringly with the mind of discrediting the leadership and drawing proselytes to himself (cp. 2Sam. 15:1-6). The crafty could show concern to a desperate or needy with the mind of reaping off the unsuspecting (cons. Matt.23:14). He could put words into sincere/innocent people’s mouth to black mail them (cons. Matt.22:15-18, Prov.26:24).
They could cover their sins by blowing aloud other people’s wrong, thereby diverting attention from themselves (cp. Prov.20:6). They may paradoxically use lies to cover themselves while making restitution of sins committed (cons. Prov.21:27; 28:13).
Now, experiences of the crafty – characters that we enumerated have some lesson to dispense to the wise (Prov.1:5). Judgement was pronounced against Satan and the serpent which served as the vehicle of deception at the garden of Eden (Gen.3:1,14-15). The recompense of deceit experienced by Jacob in life stands as a strong warning to deceivers/crafty people (cons. Gen.29:20-25, 31:4-7, 32:6-9, 37:31-34; Prov.20:25,17; Gal.6:7).
Is there no lesson from the shame suffered by the crafty emissaries of the chief priests and from the fate of crafty Judas? (Cons. Lk.20:19-26; Matt.27:3-5). The crafty suffers in the now and in eternity (Isa. 48:22, Rev.21:7). Who then can afford to retain this diabolical trait?