Eating The Word To Live

Eating The Word To Live

This means, “listen to the word with concentrated attention, considering as you listen and assimilating” (Ps.1:1-2). It also means reading, considering, meditating and taking-in the word. Besides, it means praying in the word. (Jn.6:51,57-58)


We must from today put on this habit of eating the word, at times of fellowships; at private reading/listening times at home; and at other times. Those who cannot read can hear, receive, assimilate and digest.


Jesus told the Jews they must eat His flesh and drink His blood, ie; they must eat Him (Jn.6:53-58). He never meant they needed to cut out some part of his flesh and eat and spill out some quantity of His blood to drink. He knew this was not necessary. He meant they should listen, receive, assimilate and digest His word, knowing that He himself was the Word of God personified (Jn.1:1-2Rev.19:13). Eating the Word begets doing the word.


The attitude of many Christians in this matter is very disheartening. Many Christian workers e.g. ushers, p.a system workers, electricians, women with children, pregnant women, leaders and many others carry about barren hearts that don’t contain the word of God. This is because they have not come to the side of eating His word.

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