Following Jesus

(Matt. 4:18,19; 9:9; 19:21)


Jesus= kind of life on earth was by no means ordinary. Often, He made it clear that He was not of this world, having come from heaven (cp. Jn. 6:38; 8:23).


Coming into the world as the first begotten of the Father, God’s intention was to show in Him a perfect piece of what a child of God should be (cp. Heb. 1:6; 1Pt. 2:21).


No wonder Jesus enjoins all who want to be children of God indeed to come to and follow Him (cp. Matt. 4:18,19; 9:9; 11:28,29).


To decide to follow Christ means to elect to walk in His steps (1Pt. 2:21). And this involves a decision to learn from Him; a decision to follow (receiving and living by) His precepts (instructions) and practices (attitude/actions).


The Lord Himself knows that living this life of the heavenly is not possible except one has consciously forsaken all (cp. 1Cor. 15:47,48).

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