The English dictionary definitions of the word >meek= (from which the quality, meekness was drawn) as having a mild and gentle temperament; submissive= do not really bring out the full meaning of the word.


We shall define the word in the light of the original languages from which it was translated, examine its invaluableness and apply the message accordingly.


In the old testament the word meek was translated from the Hebrew word anayv (pronounced aw-nawv) meaning depressed figuratively, in mind (gentle). The picture is that of a subdued state of mind following the dealing of God that might have been brought about by affliction. It carries a sense of dependance of God (cons. Num.12:3).


In the New Testament the word Praës (pronounced prah-ooce) was translated meek and it means gentle, mild ie by implication humble.


Meekness is not just a superficial display of outward gentleness or a mere natural gentle disposition (cons. Matt.23:27). It is rather an inwrought grace of the soul expressing itself as temper of the spirit, which is primarily exercised towards God where in one accepts His dealings as good, and so neither disputes nor resists it (cons. Matt.26:39, 42, 52-54, Heb.5:8). It is an inner strength built up to subdue the vehemence of self assertion. Meekness  is therefore a condition of the mind and a product of power. It outwardly expresses itself as mildness of temper, harmlessness, and self control (cons. Matt.11:29, 10:16; 5:39-41, Jn.18:23). It is the product of the Holy Spirit and not of the human will (cons. Gal.5:22,23).


It may be misconstrued by the uninformed for weakness, but in reality, it is a manifestation of strength (cons. Matt.26:53, 2Cor.10:10 impliedly 2Cor.12:9). The meek is usually of quiet spirit, gentle in attitude and humble, having no place for self assertiveness or self interest (cons. Phil.2:15).


The meek acknowledges his frailty and this teaches him to mildly endure the provocations of others, and also bear the burdens their sins may pose to him (cons. Gal.6, 2Tim.2:25). He has the understanding that God is good, and that He has control over his situations, and so stays calm in the midst of turbulence (implied Ps.23:1-3; Isa.41:17). He understands that every injury being inflicted on him was permitted by God as an agent of purification and would be duly terminated by God (cons. Rom.5:3-5, Lk.18:1-8, Ps.119:67,71).


Meekness was the first quality that the disciple of Christ was expressly instructed to LEARN from the Master (Matt.11:28-29a), and blessed are those that possess it (Matt.5:5). It should be noted that learning is a process of inquiry and or observation by which knowledge is increased, and by extension appropriated in life.


Meekness is a cardinal mark of true Christian living (cons. Gal.5:22,23, Eph.4:1-2, Col.3:12, Tit.3:2, Jas.3:13, 1Pt.3:15), and is required to be expressed when dealing with the erring and the ignorant (cons. 1Pt.3:4,15, 1Tim.6:11; 1Cor.4:20,21, Gal.6:1, 2Tim.2:24 -25).


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