Preaching that Has Good News for a New Convert

Preaching that Has Good News for a New Convert

Raising the hope of new-converts helps to establish their faith. This happens when a compassionate follow-up worker’s preaching contains some good news for the new-convert (which probably came to the follow-up worker as a revelation).


The hope of these young converts in Rome must have been raised, and their confidence won by this promise the apostle made. Other things Paul used to raise their hope and win their confidence were:

(i) the information he gave them on his ceaseless prayer for them (v. 8-9), and

 (ii) his recognition of what they had which he longed to enjoy with them (v. 10-12).


(Rom. 1:11-12)


Let us emulate Paul’s style. The new-converts have great hope on their ministers who have developed nursing mother-like relationship/affection toward them. As we visit them, let us raise their hope with some good news, and with the authority we have, give them something new and refreshing, and while leaving, leave a promise of something great you will come with during your subsequent visit.


What quality do you lack that has made your visitation fruitless? Let us rise up to ask the Lord for the supply of that quality you need.

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