TEXT: 21:4-9



In the first part of this message we defined the God of wonders as that God that does things which when beheld yield a state of astonished admiration, or causes great surprise or marvel.


We considered the events at creation when everything was in chaos and how God manifested His unsurpassing wisdom and sense of order and beauty to create diversities of living and non living things, which when considered are bewildering (cons. Ps.8:1-4). We concluded with the information that if anything in a child of God’s life is (directly or indirectly) exhibiting expressing a conflict (non compliance) with God’s nature of order and beauty which makes for peace and joy, such a thing should be prayerfully resisted.


Today, we shall draw our lessons from the strange incident at the wilderness in which the wonderment of God was displayed. The message shall be coming under 2 points (A) The Event (B) The Elixir.




After the deliverance from the terror of King Arad, the Canaanite (Num.21:1-3), the Almighty in His wisdom led His people through a challenging circumstance, by the way of the Red Sea but they murmured being ignorant of God’s righteous ways (Num.21:4-5 cp. Deut.8:2-3, Jer.29:11). The Lord in response executed judgement upon them and fiery serpents terrorized them in the wilderness (Num.21:6 cp. 1Cor.10:9). When they acknowledged their sin, Moses the man of God prayed for them and the Lord responded with an antidote (elixir) that reflected His amazing nature (Rom.11:33).




Moses was to just make a brazen serpent which was to be put on a pole for victims of snake bite to look and live (Num.21:8-9). Just looking at the brazen serpent (moulded by God’s instruction) neutralized the effect of the devastating venom (poison) irrespective of the extent of the damage already done.


There was no need for any ingestion of a concoction or application of a medicament nor even prayer or sacrifice by a priest; it took only obedience: looking at the brazen serpent (emblem of God’s word) that settled the matter (cons. Jn.3:14, 2Cor.5:7, Heb.4:2).


In the same vein, every strong opposition that is contending with your life should be seen as the venom of the fiery serpents of the wilderness viz the dreadful ailment, unyielding hardship, activities of evil personalities etc. Whosoever would believe God’s word shall live and not die!


God’s word: 49:5, Ps.23:1-6.


If you call upon God to night and ask Him to defend His word, deliverance shall be guaranteed (cons. Ps.10:1-15)

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