Text: Matt. 19:23‑26 (Matt. 19:16; Lk. Lk. 18:18). (Matt. 19:22; Lk. 18:23‑25). (cp. Prov. 23:23).
(Jn. 14:1‑3; Act. 7:55‑56, 59; 1Thess. 4:14, 17).
The kingdom of heaven, God’s home and that of the Angels, is the eternal home of the righteous (Heb. 12:22‑24). Heaven is a city, built by God Himself, with 12 foundations and 12 gates and streets of pure gold (Rev.21:12‑21). It is known as the 3rd heaven, located above the galaxies (the starry skies), in the unapproachable heights, beyond and beside which there is none/nothing else (2Cor. 12:2).
Before the first advent, all the righteous and just men that died were resting in the bosom of Abraham in the paradise below (cp. Lk. 16:22‑24). But subsequent to Christ=s resurrection and ascension into heaven the souls of truly saved believers, who sleep in the Lord, go straight to heaven (paradise above) (cp. Lk. 23:39‑43; Act. 7:55‑60; 2Cor. 5:1, 6‑8; 1Thes. 4:14). Right now, the paradise below is empty of the souls of the righteous, who are now in heaven with the Master (cp. Eph. 4:8).