The Psalmist looking back to how God kept him through thick and thin, said “what shall I render unto the Lord” he told himself what should I do” (Ps.116:12-14, 17-19).

All God’s Children at this time should rise and join the hosts of heaven and the Psalmist in praising, thanking and worshipping the Lord for everything He has done for her and the Man of God since the inception of the ministry.

The music ministers should take the microphone and other music instruments like the sons of Asaph and lead in praises and worship songs.

Chain Prayer Points – Recommended for Watchmen (#The_Watchers)

  1. Ps.35:18 – The Psalmist declared his intention to give thanks and praise unto the Lord. Let us join the hosts of heaven to worship and praise our God for His wonderful works and providence.
  2. Thank God for the life of the Man of God, the family and the Watchman Church.
  3. HSCF 1, 2, 3, 4 and 15 – This month holds something great for the Watchman ministry, so let us minister unto the Lord using the above hymns.
  4. Ps.67:1-7 – We have been commanded to praise God so that the earth shall yield her increase and God will bless us. Let us praise Him with our voice singing choruses to Him.
  5. Looking at the uniqueness of the movement, the kind of ministers and brethren God gave us; let us appreciate Him for that. Also the journey so far, if it has not been the Lord the enemy would have swallowed us up (Ps.124:1-8, Lam.3:22).
  6. Matt.7:7 – Ask for the grace to go through this spiritual exercise, also that God’s hand will be upon the entire Watchmen at this time.
  7. God’s abundant grace will carry the servant of God through to the end as the ministry commences (Zech.4:6-7).
  8. Pray also for the Diocesan Pastor that God will uphold him and the family and grant them all their desires (Prov.10:24b).
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