As it is with people with critical-mindedness, any person with this tendency to judge others harshly, if unrepentant, is sure to be meted same and therefore occupy his place in the confinement of hell (cons. Ps. 130:3-4 cp. Matt.6:12; 7:1; Rom. 2:1-5; Jas. 2:10,11,13)
The thought of the endlessness of hell fire should make every God fearing or reasonable person to quit whatsoever has the capacity to take him there (Mk. 9:43-48 cp. Prov. 22:3)
- Examine yourself regularly to ensure that the trait does not
develop (2Cor. 13:5)
- Excuse offenders by appreciating that they are human, and when expedient mete out judgment based on righteousness and empathy (Matt. 7:12; Jn. 7:24)
(iii) Emulate the Lord Jesus in times of crisis by waiting for a right time to correct offenders (cons. Jn.8:3-7; Mk. 9:33-36)
(iv) Exercise regularly with the Scriptures, taking challenges/lessons from what has been written aforetime (Rom. 15:4; cp. Gal. 6:7; Judg. 1:6-7)
(v) Employ love to daily drive your Christian life and listen not to everything people say against you (cons. 1Pet. 4:8; 1Cor. 13:4, Eccl.7:21)
No Watchman can afford to retain this trait at this period of divine visitation.