The quiet spirited leads a quiet life which is expressed in both disposition and  conversation. The danger of misrepresenting unruliness, noisiness, rowdiness and tumult for charisma looms amongst Pentecostal and Charismatic assemblies;  however, the scriptures are quite explicit on the appropriate behaviour and disposition a disciple should exhibit (cons. Matt.11:28,29a, Lk.6:40, Jn.8:12, 1Cor.11:1, 1Pt.3:13).


The analysis of Apostle Paul=s injunction to the Thessalonians in 1Thess.4:11, shows that quietness of spirit to a believer, is neither an optional nor a negotiable quality.


The word translated study was the Greek word Philotimeomai (pronounced as    fil-ot-im-eh-om-ahee) means Ato be fond of honour, to be eager or earnest to do a thing.@ The impression is ATo be fond of honour, and so, actuated or propelled by this motive, to strive to bring something (Quietness in this case) to pass@.


The word Quiet in the context of Paul’s injunction means To keep still, to refrain from meddlesomeness or speech.


Therefore, Quietness of spirit= is a highly priced quality that a disciple has to earnestly strive after (cons. 1Thess 4:11, 2Thess.3:12, 1Pt.3:4). The insidious tendency to parry the challenge unto quietness, must not be accommodated (implied Prov.22:13, 26:12-16). Such tendencies are often premised on genetic or hereditary factors, environmental factors etc which smacks of ignorance of the efficacy of the finished work at Calvary, and so definitely untenable  (cons. Jn.19:30,  2Cor.5:17, 6:1-4, Phil.4:13).


The quiet-spirited is calmly disposed (gentle), polite, slow to speak, slow to wrath, sober, not meddlesome, and exhibits a sense of responsibility as a disciple of Christ (1Pt.3:4,8,  2:9b, 1:13, Jas.1:19, Tit.2:6,12, 1Tim.2:9).


The Lord Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith (Heb.12:1) was a Man of quiet spirit during His earthly ministry (cons. Isa.42:2, 53:7, Matt.26:57-64, 27:11-14, Lk.23:8-11, Jn.1:4,5,14, 8:1-9, 18:19-23). The able disciple and apostle, Paul likewise was a man of quiet spirit (cons.  2Cor.10:8-12, 18 ).



The dearth of this quality is crassly manifested by all categories of people in the Church. For example: as brethren arrive for fellowship, the expected attitude of >watering the ground= with prayer has given way to the penchant for discussion and joking. And after the service, participants hurriedly engage themselves in discussions, chattering and clamouring, screaming at children or wards etc instead of taking some extra time to pray in the message (cons. Eccl.10:15, Prov.14:23, 12:27, 10:4-5).


On another hand, there is the widespread inclination to endlessly talk without discretion whenever brethren gather together for a corporate assignment at sites of work, convocations or congresses (cons. Jas.1:26, 1Thess4:11, Col.4:6, Eccl.10:12, Prov.10:11). There are cases of people meddling in matters that don=t directly pertain to them, making unedifying, sarcastic comments; and at times, curses and abuses are rained on the rightly or wrongly condemned, and the sacred erstwhile serene tabernacle of  worship is transformed to a place of disgust and confusion (cons. Prov.16:20-25, 27-32, 26:17, 28:2, Matt.13:24-29, Rom.14:4, 1Cor.14:33, Gal.6:1-2). It must be strongly noted that two wrongs never make a right.


There are those that do not have time to stay quietly before the Lord even  before leaving for work in the morning (cons. Mk.1:35, Mal.1:6, Prov.3:6). As they wake up, they are preoccupied with discussion on trivial temporals instead of engaging in meditation, prayer and adoration (Ps.4:4, 5:1-3, 59:16, 63:1-6, 88:13). And of course, at work places they are just too busy!


There are homes or families at the brink of implosion, while some others have already broken into pieces because partners lack this quality and so strife and contention have become the order of their relationship (cons. Prov.15:1-4, 17-18, 23, 16:24, 25:11,15, 27:15, 21:9, 19:13; Mal.2:14-16, Eph.5:21-33, 2Tim.2:24). There are yet those that have suffered or are still suffering, as a result of their busybody attitude (cons. 1Tim.5:9-15).

HSCF: 163


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