Brethren as informed, before, we resolved, that starting from *Tuesday, 2nd June, 2020, our TV broadcast returns fully to air on WAP TV.
The Broadcast times now are:
Tuesdays 6-7 pm
Thursdays 6-7 pm
Sundays 10am – 12noon

On this note, we will be rounding off the broadcast with Dove TV on 2nd & 4th June, at 5-6 pm each day.
However, the Charismatic Hour and Bible Study messages that were missed due to the mix-up, will be aired on Dove TV next Tuesday & Thursday 2nd & 4th June respectively, at 5-6 pm
on Dove TV, while the new messages for those days, will air on Wap Tv same days at 6-7 pm
Thank you for bearing with and believing in us to deliver.

Mike Ihenacho.
For Watchman Media Team.

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