Separation makes for singleness of purpose

Separation makes for singleness of purpose keeps one free from the snare of having a double treasure and consequently a divided heart (cons. Matt.6:19-22, Rom.12:1-2 cp. Eccl.2:8-11, 18-19, 4:6-8, 5:10-11, Ps.62:10).


There is the setting apart of oneself for short term assignments or purposes as in fasting (Est.4:14-16, Dan.10:1-14, 1Cor.7:3-5), missionary work (Acts 13:2, Lk.10:1-11) etc. This however does not substitute the need to lead an unwaveringly consecrated life (cons. Ex.32:26-29, Ruth 1:16-18 cp. 2Sam.15:19-21, Prov.23:26, 2Tim.2:20-22).


Consecration is always at a price, however, outstandingly great reward follows it (cons. Gen.12:1-4, 17:1-8, 24:34-35, Jas.2:23; Heb.11:24-26, Lk.9:30, Num.12:5-8; Ruth 4:13-17; Phil.1:21, 4:11-13, 2Tim.4:7-8; Prov.14:23).


It is time to detach from distractions and separate oneself unto God for prayers, fasting, evangelism and other needful activities that enhance metamorphosis.

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