The Vision Of The Christian Worker

The Vision Of The Christian Worker

The one that is already a Christian worker cannot do without vision. There is the vision of the 3-fold End-Time Project mentioned earlier to lay to heart. There is the vision of serving and reaching heaven and not be lost at last (1Cor.9:26-27). Also there is the vision of not losing the reward for labour put-in (1Cor.3: 9-15). Besides, there is also the vision of being Christlike in thought, word and deed while labouring (1Jn3:1-3;  Phil.2:5-8Matt.11:292Cor.5:20).


Without such vision, his/her Christian service is without diligence, non-excellent-result-oriented, and a mere fulfilment of religious obligation. Where such a person is paid for service being rendered, he/she is rendering the service only for the sake of the filthy lucre received. Without vision, his/her Christian service will soon become boring. Discouragement can set in and can lead to backsliding.


Vision, if laid in the heart, makes it impossible to do anything whatsoever that will jeopardize the work/vision/ministries of  other people.

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