All those who newly became regenerated or children of God through repentance from dead works and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 20:20-21; Heb.6:1), cannot afford to continue without putting on vision. There is a lot of vision for him/her to put on.
A few of such visions are as follows:-
(i) being true ambassadors of Christ, or being Christlike in all aspect of life (Acts 11:25-26; 4:13; Phil.2:5-8; 2Cor.5:20; Matt.11:29);
(ii) reaching heaven at last
(iii) being zealous workers in the house of the Lord.
If there is no such vision, the individual is like a propeller-engine that has no propeller. Backsliding is easy in the circumstance, since nothing per-se is pushing the one forward. Soon degeneration (through persecution and the pleasure of sin) can set-in, and he/she becomes a source of mockery to the Lord and Christianity.